Home / Accommodation / Davison’s Camp, Zimbabwe

Davison’s Camp, Zimbabwe

Situated deep within the renowned Hwange National Park, Zimbabwe, in the south-eastern Linkwasha Concession is Davison’s Camp. This is a classic African tented camp, with units stylishly concealed under a grove of mopane trees, overlooking a vast, open plain. A marvelous nature experience is offered by these eight tents, as well as a family unit. Both tents and the separate main area – made up of a lounge, dining room, open campfire area and swimming pool, look out over a flourishing waterhole.

Hwange’s mixture of different veld and landscape types results in fantastic game viewing all throughout the year. In this area, guests are most likely to encounter lion, big herds of elephant, buffalo, leopard, spotted hyena, giraffe, sable, blue wildebeest, impala, waterbuck and reedbuck. In summer, wildebeest, zebra and eland can be seen in large numbers on the open plains, while in winter elephants gather in abundance around the waterholes. Birdlife in this region is extremely prolific and diverse, making for some marvelous birding.

Hwange National Park is Zimbabwe’s biggest and most well-known national park, and the private concession provides you with exclusive sightings of the abundant wildlife. The Park is Zimbabwe’s biggest game reserve at a staggering 14,651 square kilometres, with diverse environments and plant life. This means that game drives through this area are always productive and thrilling, always with something new to be spotted. Hwange was established around 80 years ago and has since acted as a sanctuary for one of the richest populations of game in all of Africa.

There is no better way to experience this reserve than on foot with an expert safari guide, allowing for close up encounters with nature. Night drives through Hwange National Park give guests the chance to spot species such as lesser bushbaby, spotted hyena, leopard, lion, Selous mongoose, pangolin, caracal, porcupine, scrub hare, springhare and even honey badger.

During the dry season, water sources in this area are tested to the extreme. There are around 22 boreholes that are maintained in the Park by the concessionaire of the private Linkwasha and Makalolo areas, supporting Hwange both logistically and financially. This includes daily refueling and maintenance of pumps. Along the Park’s southern border, many mammals fall prey to snaring. Hwange has therefore implemented programmes that combat the effects of poaching, conducts patrols around the reserve, and is in the process of removing snares completely.

Various schools in the villages that rest on the borders of Hwange National Park have been in crucial need of everything from classrooms to chalk. ‘Children in the Wilderness’ is a programme that aids in providing these schools with equipment, as well as teacher training and accommodation. ‘Pack for a Purpose’ is another fantastic cause here that guests are welcome to donate to by helping pack stationery or other small amenities to be brought during traveller visits to schools or villages.


* Game drives in open Land Rovers

* Morning walking safaris

* Evening drives with spotlight

About Bronwyn Paxton

Article by: Bronwyn Paxton
on March 10, 2014
Filed under  Accommodation • Africa Blog • Zimbabwe 
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