Home / Destinations / Zanzibar Island, Tanzania

Zanzibar Island, Tanzania

From the Tanzanian mainland, you can take a quick flight to The Zanzibar Archipelago, a destination waiting to wow you and vow you to return one day. The locals are friendlier than those in Thailand, and their sincere enthusiasm to show off their humble, yet incredibly beautiful habitat to you, is heart-warming.

Locally known as Unguja, Zanzibar Island gets most of the headlines, but the archipelago also consists of lush Pemba to the north and many more smaller islands and islets poised in amazingly turquoise seas.

A week won’t even give you enough time to get to do everything Zanzibar has to offer, such as the Spice Tour, swimming with the dolphins, the Blue Tour, the Slave Tour, and any other tour your mind can think of. The Blue Tour, for example, involves going to three little islands on a boat, and when stopping at each one, snorkelling your heart out in the warm, clear waters and indulging in a feast of coconuts, fresh tropical fruit, and, at the last destination, more seafood than you have ever laid eyes on.

Visiting the museums and taking a walk through Stone Town is a good way of getting an idea of Zanzibar’s rich and turbulent slave-trade past. The architecture will surely fascinate you, as will the street markets.

Remember, when going to Zanzibar, try and take lots of sweets, pens and magazines with you. The local children absolutely love sweets (just remind them to remove the wrapper), and pens are a luxury to them. The ladies love magazines, also seen as a luxury, and the thankful smiles on their faces is a reward you have to experience.


  • Explore Stone Town
  • Snorkelling
  • Diving
  • Spice Tour
  • Swim with dolphins
  • Kite surfing
  • Relax and invigorate yourself in a Spa
  • Visit the butterfly centre
  • Relax on the beautiful beaches
  • African markets

Related Articles:

A few tips for your stay in Zanzibar

Where to stay in Zanzibar

Stone Town

About admin

Article by: admin
on April 4, 2013
Filed under  Africa Blog • Destinations • Tanzania 
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