Lake Naivasha/Lake Nakuru 

Once breakfast is over we will leave for Elsamere which is north along the escarpment of the Great Rift Valley. Elsamere is where Joy Adamson (a distinguished author) wrote her book ‘Born Free’. This was a catalyst in bringing attention to the need for wildlife conservation. The house is a museum now which is dedicated to the wonderful work of Joy and George Adamson, who were pioneers in this field. We will go on a wonderful boat trip on Lake Naivasha which is home to the hippopotamus. Afterwards you can enjoy a lunch right by the lake and watch the birdlife. We will then continue on to Lake Nakuru Lodge and arrive early in the evening.

Accommodation: Lake Nakuru Lodge
Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner
Included Activities: Lake Naivasha – Boat trip, Lake Elementaita – Elsamere Conservation Centre