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Are Travellers’ Needs A-changin?

Is it fair to say that traveller’s needs are changing? It appears they are. Most people seem to be looking for a more ‘down to earth’ experience, not only because it cuts down on costs, but also because they want to enjoy nature to its fullest and not necessarily have all the mod cons available at their fingertips.

Budget safari camping tours are attractive to many travellers these days. In fact Glen Phillips, SANParks Managing executive says that visitors are still lured by the wilderness, but that they want to do more than drive around, hoping to see the Big Five. He said: “They want to be out in the veld, hiking, biking, swimming, canoeing, beachcombing, mountaineering, dining under the stars. They expect more than a rondavel, a clean ablution block and a communal fire.” Many travellers also want to get more involved in conservation projects and the communities they visit. It seems they are touring with their hearts in the right place, when in a foreign place…

Of course there are many who still love to be served, wined and dined at luxurious lodges, and there will always be a place for this. But more and more seem to not be afraid of getting a bit dirty and sleeping outside under the African skies where they have more of a chance of spotting wildlife and getting an adrenalin rush! Activities also seem to be changing in favour of something a bit more daring than white water river rafting and more and more people are taking to the skies in favour of bungee jumping, or sandboarding down the dunes in the Namib. As Bob Dylan put it so eloquently “The times they are a-changin”, so why not join ‘the times’ and opt for a true African Budget Safari adventure.

Tell us what form of travel you prefer…

About Bronwyn Paxton

Article by: Bronwyn Paxton
on May 9, 2013
Filed under  Africa Blog • Travel Articles 
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