Home / Africa Blog / Do you want to go on a Luxury or an Adventure Safari?

Do you want to go on a Luxury or an Adventure Safari?

The simple answer to this would be that you want a bit of both. When one thinks of adventure, you picture yourself racing down rapids, jumping off cliffs into dark pools below and exposing yourself to the natural elements, including all the bugs and creatures that go with that. Sounds exciting right? Reminds you of the adventures of Crocodile Dundee… but then, remember James Bond; living in the lap of luxury surrounded by celebrities, but still jumping off cliffs and hanging out of helicopters…makes you think doesn’t it? Who is going to have the best time, with the most memorable moments while traversing through the plains of Africa?

I think the best advice is to take a good, long look at yourself. What kind of a personality do you have? Are you naturally adventurous, or is it impossible for you to leave the house without a bag of toiletries/make-up that weighs 2kgs? And if you have never been adventurous, isn’t it time to leave your stilettoes and Italian shoes behind and try on some hiking boots? How about waking up in the morning to the gentle sounds of nature, opening the flap of the tent and seeing the dew glistening on the grass? Simply splashing your face with fresh water and spend time quietly surveying the scenery, instead of making a mad dash for your make-up bag or razor and wasting all that time worrying about your external rather than your internal needs.

Don’t get me wrong, there is a time and place for luxury travel, but when in Africa on an adventure tour, luxury is fed to your body via nature, and not via the five-star continental breakfast that is prepared for you every morning. Helping to prepare your own breakfast with your fellow travellers is a far more enriching and sometimes humorous experience, especially if a baboon or two decides to help themselves to the fruit basket!

But just remember, adventure travel doesn’t mean you have to sleep on stones and sand like Clint Eastwood, or expect you to bathe in the cold streams or rivers. There are suitable ablutions available and comfortable accommodation, it’s just that we ask you to have an open-mind, take your shoes off and let nature surprise you. After all, you will never experience an elephant casually strolling past your abode if you are 10 stories up in a high-rise, glitzy hotel room!

D.M. Banks, the director at DMB Public Relations in New York said: “…the luxury travel market is also changing in many ways with many affluent travelers being younger and more adventurous.”












Image courtesy of Inaxo Blog

About Bronwyn Paxton

Article by: Bronwyn Paxton
on August 23, 2013
Filed under  Africa Blog • Travel Articles 
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