Home / Destinations / Bazaruto Archipelago National Park, Mozambique

Bazaruto Archipelago National Park, Mozambique

The Bazaruto Archipelago National Park in Mozambique is the epitome of a tropical paradise. It consists of six main islands, which you can read about in the article below. Here you’ll find every cliché ever written about an idyllic location, such as clear, turquoise waters; loads of colourful birds; serene, white sandy beaches; and incredible diving and snorkelling. This is also home to the elusive dugong, a large marine mammal that spends its days foraging among sea-grass meadows around the archipelago.

The Bazaruto Archipelago has always been protected, and if you’re there, you’ll see why. Its coral formations are in perfect tact, and life above and in the sea is invigorating.


– Island getaway

– Swimming

– Snorkelling

– Scuba diving

– Massages on the beach

– Golden beaches

– Deep-sea fishing excursions

– Game viewing

– Beach sunsets


The Six Islands of the Bazaruto Archipelago

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Article by: admin
on April 16, 2013
Filed under  Africa Blog • Destinations • Mozambique 
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