Home / Destinations / Johannesburg, South Africa

Johannesburg, South Africa

The largest city in South Africa, Johannesburg is the intriguing, dynamic heart of this turbulent country. This city will help you understand and get a feel for the real South Africa. It’s a city of astonishing contrasts, a huge metropolis where abundant wealth and desperate poverty live side by side.

Locals affectionately call it Jo’burg, Jozi or eGoli (‘the city of gold’). The reality is that Johannesburg is a fast-growing, city yet, it’s got wealth, and a beautiful climate. If you use some common sense and mix it with some advice from the locals, you can enjoy Joburg to its maximum.


  • Museums
  • Visit the infamous Sun City
  • Dine out at the local restaurants/bars
  • Gold Reef City
  • Nightlife
  • Golfing
  • Hot air ballooning
  • Craft markets
  • Visit the Botanical Gardens
  • Theatre productions
  • Township tour in Soweto
  • Visit the Crocodile Farm
  • White-water rafting


Tourism Potential to be Unlocked

Tours from Johannesburg

Places to Visit in Johannesburg 

Top 10 Markets in Johannesburg

About admin

Article by: admin
on April 9, 2013
Filed under  Africa Blog • Destinations • South Africa 
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