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Night Train from Mombasa to Nairobi

This feedback on the night train from Mombasa to Nairobi was sent to us by Bob Luke, one of our clients.

The train from Mombasa to Nairobi was worthwhile. The sunrise was spectacular; and you could see all kinds of animals from the train …ostrich, giraffe, impala, zebra, etc. There appears to be no problem buying the ticket at the rundown train station (muddy, no restroom, tin roof leaks). The fare is 4,406 shillings, or about $50; and includes dinner (chicken or beef strips) and breakfast (eggs and beef sausage) and bedding. The train equipment dates back to the 1970s. The First Class compartments (recommended) are British. The third class coaches (not recommended) are Swedish.

There is one western toilet and three traditional toilets in the First Class coaches. Passengers should bring their own toilet paper. There is a faucet and sink in each compartment, which is lockable from inside; but not from the outside, so passengers need to take their valuables to the dining car. The porters who make the beds in each compartment warn passengers not to open their compartment windows, as thieves enter that way.

Some compartments are better than others, and this includes the hygiene of the compartments as well. One more thing to add: the train often leaves and arrives late.

Image courtesy of Kenya Train booking

About Andrew Walton

Just a happy guy who loves travelling, loves Africa and feels that travelling changes you forever.
Article by: Andrew Walton
on October 17, 2013
Filed under  Africa Blog • Kenya 
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